How do we work?
We work with communities, through existing structures and organisations…
Community Collaborations
We work primarily with low income communities through existing groups and cooperatives, such as women’s savings groups, rural farmer cooperatives, cultural networks, schools, and church parish organizations.
By planting through existing community groups and organizations, such as NGOs, that are already established in communities, we are able to have a lean organization, reduce costs, increase efficiency and maximize impact.
By especially focusing our work on women, while still working alongside others indiscriminately, we address a human right of equality and tackle a priority of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG 5). Furthermore, women have also been shown to share the benefits of economic growth with their households and communities. By serving women first we serve all, more efficiently.
“Giving women greater economic empowerment benefits their households, their communities and ultimately their countries…gender inequality remains an issue in the Sub-Saharan Africa region, it is one of the most unequal areas in the world and progress is much slower than in other regions.” (Kings College London)
TriTrees is a ‘learning organization’ focused on rigorous research as a part of our foundation from the start - all for better long term programming and global outcomes.
“Research is creating new knowledge.”
Neil Armstrong